​​​​​​Montair Golden Retrievers


Montairs Newsflash From Wall Street "Barron"
​​Sire: CH. Momntair's Black Tie Affair "Oscar"
Dam: Monrair's Lollapawlooza "Sydney"
Whelped: March 20, 2009
​​Our neighbor nicknamed this boy "Bear" when he was just a 3 week old puppy. He visited regularly to watch Bear grow and develop. Bear was never going to be one of our call names. Frankley, there are just too many dogs called Bear. We decided on "Barron". It fits with the Wall Street theme. And it's a lesser used name that recognizes our neighbor's idea. He still visits him to this day.
Barron is an explorer. Given the chance he will make sure the property is free of rodents, deer and horseback riders that pass by from time to time.
Like all of our dogs, water, tennis balls, big sticks and food are some of his favorite things.
He's a large, athletic and light colored Golden that is pleasing to watch in the show ring.
Nickname: Bear (of course)